The Jury

Get ready for a thrilling 'who done it' style of live theater! This interactive production allows the audience to participate and decide the fate of the characters, innocent or guilty! 


“What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” Opening October 3rd - 5th 2025!

Niveah constantly refers to her husband, Brandon, as “regular”, when her true desire is a man who is phenomenal. A regular life turned phenomenal proves to be deadly as Niveah fights to be regular again!

The tables have turned! Opening 2026!

Set in 1776, the story of “Massa” is told through the eyes of a young slave girl who’s beauty couldn’t escape her slave masters’ eye. As his desire for her mounted, so did the desire of her would be husband to assure “Massa” touched her for the last time.

The highs and lows of marriage takes a toll!

Whether you are married 50 years, 1 year, or just a few days…marriage comes with it’s unique set of challenges!